
Our work with the community is at the heart of what we do. We love our natural resources and continue to work to educate and raise awareness in the hopes of protecting what we love about Florida. 

We have now partnered with FWC and their Catch A Florida Memory program for 2022. We are super excited to have the opportunity to help get the message out about fishing conservation.

Catch a Florida Memory Get excited, people! Starting next month, we will be adding to our raffle prize lineup with the addition of these thrilling new items from Catch a Florida Memory partner, The Florida Nomad. Program participants automatically receive one raffle entry for each milestone achievement made to the program. No additional action is required for those anglers interested in entering the raffle. There’s still several weeks remaining to get out on the water for a chance to win these amazing raffle prizes! Make your Florida memory today:



North Atlantic Right Whale Festival 

 NARW conserve

 We were invited to the Right Whale festival in Jacksonville Florida to help spread the word on how critically close they are to extinction. We made a custom shirt for the festival. #RightWhaleConservation

@whales_org  @uswhalesorg


Right whale MRC

We had the privilege to be able to take on MRC shirt project.

MRC’s volunteer North Atlantic Right Whale Program spotters report right whale sightings to track the whales’ movement and behavior patterns.

The endangered North Atlantic Right Whale utilizes the Atlantic Coast off Georgia and Florida as calving grounds. Volunteer spotters, living in high-rise beachside condos, report right whale sightings to track the whales’ movement and behavior patterns along the Atlantic Coast in an effort to determine migration characteristics of these highly endangered marine mammals.

Report Sightings Toll-Free to
1-888-97-WHALE (1-888-979-4253)



Tampa Bay Watch 


We partnered with Tampa Bay Watch for the Scallop count in Tampa Bay. We supplied all of the shirts and even some koosies for over 200 volunteers and staff.



Navarre Beach Sea Turtle Conservation Center

We have partnered with Navarre Beach Sea turtle Conservation center. They now have some more great items added to their gift shop to help support the cause.